About Allan

Allan’s Mission
Allan Hauskens has over 20 years of experience helping students reach their potential.
Allan’s experience and education has transformed him from a content teacher focused on delivering content to high performing college bound high school students to an educational therapist working with students diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. Allan appreciates the opportunity to help students not responding to classroom instruction in reading or math to become competent capable students.
His experience as a professional member of the Association of Educational Therapy, which includes the association’s continuing education on Dyslexia and Dyscalculia by leaders in research, continues to inform and refine his understanding of learning issues. As a Wilson certified Dyslexia practitioner, Allan has been professionally trained and certified on the use of the of the Wilson Reading System for their intensive 12 step intervention reading program.
Additionally, as a graduate student at UC Berkeley’s educational therapy certificate program, Allan’s course work in Making Math Real and his practicum experience informed Allan on the pedagogical processes to use in the development of a math curriculum for students with Dyscalculia.

Allan’s Approach
The impact approach to learning
Students diagnosed with Dyslexia and/or Dyscalculia are often times 2 years or more behind their peers in reading and math respectively before they receive a diagnosis. Hauskens Impact Learning Lab’s role is to help students close their gaps in reading and math, so they can participate in their language arts or math class at grade level which is the gate opener for the student to reach their potential. While students are working to catch up to their peers, they will achieve many intermediate milestones.
Each lesson plan for every student is prepared based on the student’s performance on the previous lessen. Trouble spots are identified with the intention of eliminating a trouble spot with as much reteaching and repetition as necessary to reach mastery. As a result, each student’s lesson is unique because it reflects their performance and pace. At the beginning of each lesson, students receive a lesson plan with all the documents required for the lesson. Every lesson follows a routine that includes practicing and reviewing past concepts, introducing new concepts, and identifying trouble spots. At the end of the lesson the student and practitioner discuss the topics and trouble spots to be addressed in the next lesson.

Professional Member of Association of Educational Therapists

Professional Member of Association of Educational Therapists

California Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials