Intensive Math Intervention Program
Impact Learning follows established pedagogical methods that begin with a concrete model, that evolves to a graphical representation that bridges to an abstract concept that is used in the classroom.

The intention of Impact Learning Lab’s Intensive math interventions is to improve student math skills, so they can engage the curriculum in their classroom. Without a foundational understanding of place value, students are unable to perform the four basic operations of math. Once the foundation is in place, students can master the four basic operations of math. Once students are capable of performing the basic operations demanded by the curriculum, they can engage the class curriculum.
Who This course is For
Students unable to use the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) or have significant difficulty in the Foundational concept of Place Value are candidates for intensive math interventions. Many of these students have an identified math disability or possibly a diagnosis of Dyscalculia.
Course Goals
The Hauskens Impact Learning Lab’s Intensive Math Program brings about the Student’s:
To prepare students to rejoin their classroom and to work productively with the classroom curriculum.
Place Value Understanding
Students develop a durable understanding of place value for whole numbers when in early elementary school and for numbers less than one when they are introduced to decimals.
Renaming Place Values
Students learn to rename place values when necessary for Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication and reliably perform Addition and Subtraction to 4 place values. Also, they learn to multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.
Math Facts
Students practice math facts using strategies for learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division math facts. If necessary, students will learn finger strategies for addition or subtraction and graph organizers when they are learning multiplication facts.
Division Algorithm
Students use an algorithm and a mental model that helps them to remember and understand the division process. If necessary, students can reliably divide 4 digit numbers by double digit numbers.
Fraction Concept
Students start with fractions that they encounter everyday as parts of a whole then practice building a sequence of fractions using graphical representations, and subsequently they simplify fractions to lowest terms.
Four Operations with Fractions
Students learn addition and subtraction of fractions with like and unlike denominators and Multiplication and division of fractions. In addition, they can simplify all fractions produced to the simplest form.
Four Operations with Decimals
Students learn to line up their decimals when they add and subtract decimals, and they can reliably rename whole number place values and place values with values less than one. In addition, students can reliably place the decimal point when they multiply or divide.
Algebra One Math Skills
Students learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide integers, order of operations when simplifying expressions, equation solving algorithms for solving all equations encountered in Algebra 1, graphing linear equations, solving a system of two linear equations, use of exponents, and factoring quadratic equations.
Intensive Math Intervention Program Schedule
Students meet 3 sessions per week or more.
Sessions are between 50 and 90 minutes long.
Sessions are online. The student and the educational therapist use a document camera to interact in real time.
Intake Process
Identify Difficulties
Cognitive tests offer insights into the thinking abilities that impact math computation and learning math concepts. Academic achievement assessments in math computation and concepts can validate the need for an intensive intervention.
Explore Solutions
Parents meet with Hauskens Impact Learning Lab to determine if their child is an appropriate candidate for an intensive math intervention.
If the student is a candidate for an intensive math intervention the parents meet to discuss:
Benchmark Informal Math Assessment
In addition to cognitive and achievement assessments mentioned above, Impact Learning Lab gives students an informal assessment to probe the students understanding of place value, naming numbers ability, writing numbers in expanded and exponential notation, addition and subtraction utilizing renaming of place values, multiplying and dividing numbers, adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, and the four operations of decimals. The performance on the benchmark informal assessment guides the instruction pathway and serves as a benchmark for parents and students to gauge progress.
A few school districts cover the costs of an intensive math intervention utilizing outside professionals. However, most schools do not have the available resources on their staff to provide an intensive program to accommodate a student with a math disability or Dyscalculia. In addition, the school district may turn down a request for an intervention; consequently, parents are burdened with the expense of an intensive math intervention. As a result, one of the main goals of Hauskens Impact Learning Lab is to get students back on track and in the classroom as soon as possible.
- $150 per 55 minute session
- $300 for a Bench Mark Informal Math Assessment

Lesson Plan
Item 1
Warm Up / Review of Topics: This part of the lesson plan enables Impact Learning Lab to determine the durability of math concepts and skills that have been taught. Previous topics are probed to ensure that math skills are still available and applied correctly. If a student is unable to perform a previously taught math skill independently, instruction is given on that skill. In addition, that math skill will become part of future lesson plans until that skill is mastered again. Mastery is determined when a student can perform a particular skill after a 24 hour delay in instruction and practice of skill. This is evidence that the process around a particular skill is in their long term memory.
Item 2
Current Topics: This part of the lesson plan has current topic skills incrementally arranged in an array of more basic to more advanced problems. With this array of problems I can gauge the level of mastery the student has achieved. This informs the instruction on the current lesson and future lessons.
Item 3
Mastery of Most Recent Topics: Students are introduced to new topics while they are mastering previous lessons. Students confirm mastery of the previous topic while they are learning a new topic. The extra attention to the most previously taught topic provides students with more repetition and gives the student an opportunity to learn the nuances of a topic without holding back the pace of covering new topics.
Item 4
Information Gleaned from Each Lesson: Each completed lesson plan provides a trove of information that informs Impact Learning Lab’s next lesson plan for each student. Information from each item identified above is incorporated into the next lesson.
Read Testmonials
Jacob’s progress in math has been amazing. Last year we all worried about what Jacob was going to be able to do in math. Now, he is using an algorithm to solve algebra equations, so he feels like he can take algebra next year. His progress with Allan at Impact Learning Lab over the past year in basic math skills has given him confidence to apply himself in algebra concepts. The drama surrounding fractions and division problems has ceased. Also, the multiplication and division facts chart he is currently using has been helpful, and he is using it in class.
Nancy T.
Bo’s been working with Impact Learning Lab over the past year on math. He was so far behind his classmates he was not able to keep up with them. Now he is getting an A in his pre-algebra class. He is able to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions which was something he thought he would never be able to do. According to Bo, fractions gave him the willy’s. Learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide positive and negative numbers has been very helpful in his pre-algebra class. He says the algebra equations in his pre-algebra class are too easy.
Adam F.
Meet Allan Hauskens
Over 20 Years of Experience
Allan has over 20 years experience as a learning specialist, public and private school teacher and is an educational therapist. Allan has a California Teachers math credential, an Educational Therapy Certificate from UC Berkeley, and he is a Certified Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner. In addition, Allan is a Professional Member of the Association of Educational Therapists.

Professional Member of Association of Educational Therapists

Certified Wilson Dyslexia Practioner

California Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials

Request a Free Consultation
Is your child a candidate for an intensive math intervention?